<bgsound src="/audio/tgoa.mp3" loop=1 height=1 width=1 name="audiobgsound1" id="audiobgsound1">
Popeye Theophilus Barrnumb presents....

Satire is protected speech
even if the object of the satire
doesn't "get it."
            — Al Franken


Well, here you have it, My little BEyotches. My latest cartoon comic to end all comics. A little somethin'-somethin' to whet yer whistle and edumacate ya and awareinize ya and informateaze ya and all that good kinda stuff. Oh, and let us not forget to *laffz* our freakin' asses off while we're at it. (even if it is really all kind of sad) As if I need to mention that little ditty. I suggest it is self-explanatory to those who are "in the know", so enjoy. (as if you have any choice in that, as well)

For those who are not "in the know", this little ride is provided as an attempt to show to "Nomi" (and others) that "Mikey" was one of the so-called "Mockers", and that she is pretty much the only one who he has fooled at this late date. Much to her unfortunate state of existence. And much to her demise, as well. Which seems to BE continual.

It is now known that there never was "a Mocker", or probably even a "primary Mocker". That is why they are often referred to as a group by the name "Mockers, Inc.". They were a group of low-life, scummy people, adult bullies and internet bullies and cyber-bullies, who liked to relentlessly attack people in a variety of ways on and off the internet. Often they liked to make "Mocker images" of these people they attacked, usually of a nasty, gross-sexual, and related themes. They thought they were being funny. Butt they soon realized that it wasn't so funny, after all, after BEing force-fed large gagging helpings of their own medicine, with nary a spoonful of sugar to help make that nasty ol' medicine go down. (by little ol' Me, no less)

Regardless of Nomi's claim and state of mind, even to this day, she is NOT the only person whom they attacked and was hurt and victimized by. I, among others, have proven WAY BEyond a reasonable doubt, if not absolutely, who many/most of these so-called Mockers are, by nickname (which they often tried to cowardly hide BEhind) as well as real names, and those who also knowingly chose to associate with them. Among these people are Michael Theroux, Jess Tiffany, Sandra Groves, Scott Doty, and many others. Much more information can BE found about this elsewhere on this site. Fasten yer seatbelts, coz it's a bit of a bumpy ride.

(note, these items will be posted in a "latest first" order, so you may need to read them bottom-up — starting here)

posted Fri, October 13, 2006 at 0:00 m. PDT

The King is Dead!   Long Live The King!

"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes — and ships — and sealing-wax —
Of cabbages — and kings —
And why the sea is boiling hot —
And whether pigs have wings."
Lewis Carroll

I am a Shmoo. Butt, then, you already knew that, did you not? However, did you know that I am your own personal Shmoo? I was all along. Which possibly explains some things, now that you think aboot it. I suppose I could have clued you in, back in the early daze. Butt then it wouldn't have BEen nearly as much fun as it has BEen, now, would it? You agree, doon't you? I knew you would.

Now, you may think I 'suffer' from ataraxia. And aboot that you may BE right, or you may BE wrong. BE that as it may, I ASSure you that, "It's all good." It always has BEen and it always will BE. Count on it.

As We traveled this road less traveled, BEcause I led the way and that's the way I wanted it to BE, some of you seemed to occasionally forget that all of this has BEen Humor, Jest, Jocularity, LamPOONing, Mockery (in the BEST sense of that term), Comedy, TomFOOLery, Wit, Whimsy, Caprice, Parody, Satire, Spoof, and Performance Art at its finest. With a little Truth and Reality thrown in for good measure, now and then. And that's the way We likes it, is it not? (that was a bit of a rhetorical question, for those who have not BEen paying attention)

And I doo SINcerely thank you for BEing a wonderful audience. And, for those of you who partook of audience participation, willingly, or otherWise, you deserve a round of applause, as well. You kept us laughing at some of you for hours and hours on end. And We were laughing at you, not, necessarily, with you. Butt, that, too. Good times, good times.

It was a bumpy ride, and some of you neglected to fasten your seatbelts tightly. I think We all know of whom I speak. No need to mention names at this late date. Butt, We may all sleep soundly and well knowing that these lesser BEings are better off now than they were BEfore, mostly doo to My teachings, and learnings, and slappings, Oh, My! And so the World at large is a better place, as well. It was a bit of a dirty job from time to time, butt We did SO enjoy dooing it. (more or less)

I BElieve My work here is doone. Close enough for GubMint work, anyways. You have seen the fruits of My labors, what wonderful peachy litte things have cum from My loins, as it were. And We have ALL rejoiced. (well, most of us, anyways — the ones who really counted, that is — the ones who were deserving BEcause We were not of the lesser BEings, and showed our True selves for who and what We were (and are, and always will BE) — butt, the others, as well — of that they never had a choice in the matter, no matter how much they thought and hoped and wished that it were not so)

As you all well-know, I am a Flaming Phoenix Butterfly, if you will, (I never did have to suffer the wormy larval stage like some people) and I shall indubitably return even more fantastical than I am now. A Wonderment that delights the senses, brings tears of joy and sorrow to the eye, fills the ear with wit and wisdom and melodious song, lofts the spirit on high, and seers the soul. [sicK] (with Truth, Justice, and The American Way — Yeah, Baby!) I know that's a bit hard to BElieve, butt We shall see what We shall see.
Shall We not?

And, so, I bid thee fond farewell My little lovelies. Adieu. Adieu.

Your Most Humble and Obedient Servant,
Popeye Theophilus Barrnumb, Esquire
      The God of Skinny Punks, et al.

QBErT?   ;o)

posted Mon, October 9, 2006 at 10:00 p.m. PDT

Hideous Kinky

"Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me Truth."Henry David Thoreau

This just in:   I am now officially more famous than Jess Tiffany ever was (in reality, especially, or in his own tiny mind), ever wanted to BE, or ever thought he could BE. (and definitely more than he ever could BE) How's them apples? (no M(a)cIntoshes here, BEyotch) Who's the "Legend" now, little man? (yeah, I thought so....)

And while we're BEing truthful and all, let Me point out that Michael Theroux (ass*cough*hole) never did thank Me for not stomping his nasty ass into oblivion. (not that I ever would, physically speaking anyways, BEing the consumate pacifist that I am, butt, still....) It's the principle of the thing, of course, as usual. "What a freakin' ingrate!" is all I've got to say. (along with all the rest, of course) How ya doin' there, littler man? (*smootchiez*)

In other news, these sheeple's state of existence is like Sea Sickness — they think they are dieing, butt the rest of us just think it's funny.

I'm like Wonder Woman — I've got a Golden Lasso of Truth, a killer bod, and lots of nice 'soft parts'. Wellugh, you know, except for the One, that is.

Once a jolly Swagman camped by a billabong,
Under the shade of a coolibah tree,
And He sang as He watched and waited 'til his billy boiled
"Who'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with Me?"
Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
Who'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with Me
And He sang as He watched and waited 'til his billy boiled,
"Who'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with Me?"
Along came a jumbuck to drink at the billabong,
Up jumped the Swagman and seized him with glee,
And He sang as He stowed that jumbuck in his tucker bag,
"You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with Me".
Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
Who'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with Me
And He sang as He set that jumbuck in his tucker bag,
"You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with Me?".
Up rode the squatter, mounted on his thoroughbred,
Down came the troopers, one, two, three,
"Whose is that jumbuck you've got in your tucker bag?"
"You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with Me".
Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
Who'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with Me
"Whose is that jumbuck you've got in your tucker bag?",
"You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with Me?".
Up jumped the Swagman, leapt into the billabong,
"You'll never catch Me alive," said He,
And his ghost may BE heard as you pass by the billabong,
"Who'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with Me".
Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
Who'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with Me
And his ghost may BE heard as you pass by the billabong,
"Who'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with Me?"

QBErT!   *snicker-doodles*

posted Fri, October 6, 2006 at 9:30 p.m. PDT

The Truth Hertz™

Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars."Kahlil Gibran

Read 'em and weep! Everything you are you owe to Me. Everything. Now and in the future. Forever. No matter how low of a level that achievement is for you. And I think we all know of what I speak regards that sad and unfortunate state of affairs. And about all of whom I am speaking. Butt I semi-digress.

Anywho, Life's a BEyotch and then you live.... mayBE. I shall make a decision aboot that at a later date and inform you therewith. "Death BEcomes You", which doo not bode well, if you knows what I means. See ya. Wouldn't wanna BE ya. (butt, then, who would?)

On the road again
Just can't wait to get on the road again
The life I love is makin' music with my friends
And I can't wait to get on the road again
On the road again
Goin' places that I've never been
Seein' things that I may never see again,
And I can't wait to get on the road again.

QBErT!!   *snicker*

posted Wed, October 4, 2006 at 1:00 a.m. PDT

Way Back Then versus Now

The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and for deeds left undone. — Harriet Beecher Stowe, Little Foxes, 1865

What goes around, comes around. Nothing ever really changes. As proof in the tasty hasty pudding, I give you the following little ditty. If yer surprised, then yer possibly an Idiot. (and I patiently wait to this day for the never arriving apolog/y/ies — not really, butt it sounds good)


( here it is archived in case that linked page above disappears:
btw – I hereby officially announce my feelings of great sorrowful loss
for The Best discussion forum ever to invade and permeate the InterWebNets,
and the minds and souls of its 'inhabitants' (even the lesser beings):
My BEloved Behold! The City of Lost Children — R.I.P. )

QBErT! sez, "Good times, good times!"   *snicker*

posted Thu, September 28, 2006 at 10:30 a.m. PDT

The JustUs Justice Squad

Beautiful credit! The foundation of modern society. Who shall say that this is not the golden age of mutual trust, of unlimited reliance upon human promises? That is a peculiar condition of society which enables a whole nation to instantly recognize point and meaning in the familiar newspaper anecdote, which puts into the mouth of a distinguished speculator in lands and mines this remark: 'I wasn't worth a cent two years ago, and now I owe two millions of dollars.' — Mark Twain

I got chastised (again) for "taking all the credit". (again)

Apparently, just BEcause I am singularly known by the monicker "El PerraScope" (Spanglish for "The Bitch Slapper"), that doo not give little ol' Me the 'Right' to "take all the credit." Apparently.

Did I mention that I "took all the credit?"

Oh, well. Them's the brakes, I supPose. [sicK]

In other North-East-West-and-South, I plan on advertising this site on eggs. Yes, you 'heard' Me correctly, eggs. I've invented, designed, patented, and plan on installing world-wide, a machine that gently prints "P-t-B.com" on chicken eggs as they exit the foul fowls' anal orifices. In rainbow colors, no less. And, as we all well-know, I am an expert on anal orifices. Chicken, and otherWise. (howsEver, I doo NOT have an orifixation!) Those smelly, little (or not), puckered holes have BEen on My Shit List for years now.

Butt I digress, as usual. Carry on Sports Fans. I gots My eyeBallz on you all.

Count on it.

MeanWhile, fer all you coulrophobic little BEyotches, heres ya go:
(doo not say I din't never gives ya nothing atoll)

QBErT! says D.E.Q.

posted Sat, September 24, 2006 at 3:00 a.m. PDT

Popeye: The Scumbag Whisperer

It is absolutely paradoxical; they cannot understand it, and they doo not know what it means, but I have proved it, and therefore We all know it must BE the Truth.

Popeye Theophilus Barrnumb is an it's-a-small-world-renowned Scumbag behavior specialist, known for his uncanny ability to BEyotch-slap multiple groups of Scumbags at a time. Not only that, but from Idiots to ASSholes, these now better-BEhaved (or else!) Scummies have each BEen REhabilitated (or at least stopped cold), rescued from themselves, and from exhibiting a wide range of extremely ASSinine BEhavior issues — everything from sad-ASSed insecurity to severe 'redrum zone' self-aggressions, and everything inBEtween! (including acting out towards others)

Born and raised outside of Mexico (pronounced meh-hee-coe), His self-blessed gifts, including a primal communion with the true nature of lesser BEings (a.k.a. Scumbags), has always come überNaturally to Him, but his unique connection to Scumbags BEcame most noticeable around the age of puberty. Everywhere Popeye went, there always seemed to BE a swirl of Scumbags surrounding Him. Everywhere He went, the 'locals' gave him a nickname, "El PerraScope" — Spanglish for "The Bitch Slapper".

Popeye embraces His gifts whole-heartedly, and He came to the World Wide WebNet to pursue his dreams of BEcoming the greatest Scumbag slapper in the world, which He soon achieved with flying colors. He soon realized, though, that He was searching for something rather more profound than teaching Scumbags proper BEhaviors.

Heeding his grandpappy's advice to 'never fuck (with) Mother Nature', Popeye acquired (as in targets) group after group of Scummies needing slappage. He passionately studied books on Scumbag psychologies, but it was through his own observation, awareness and first hand experience that Popeye distilled his own formulas that clearly kept Scumbags hurting, down, and SUBmissive.

"Popeye Theophilus Barrnumb presents...." is a website facility used to REhabituate and reduce the Scumbags' natural state of UNequilibrium. More importantly, it is also a place where Scumbags are educated and taught how to responsibly fulfill their physical, psychological, and emotional roles as the lesser BEings they are.


posted Tue, September 19, 2006 at 4:30 p.m. PDT

Oh, No You Did Not!

I've discovered yet another nickname for Mikey: Little Matshishkapeu

And by "little", it is a naturally accepted meaning of "little man", "impotent", "powerless", "troubled", "sad", "derogatory", "wannaBE", "has BEen", "full of (smelly) 'hot' air", and "self-inflicted", among so many other similar definitions and denotations.

And his personal motto: "I always thought it would be better to be a fake somebody, than a real nobody."

(no wonder Mikey and GoatBoy get along so well together — birds of a feather, and all that — with my usual apologies to birds everywhere for the comparison, &tc...)


posted Mon, September 11, 2006 at 6:00 a.m. PDT

Why? — Why not?

[[ prepended fyi: here's some RTW arbitrarily deleted content that you may enjoy ]]

QBErT's Me name and Justice is Me game. Among many others, of course. Both. — Like I always say, "You ain't seen nuthin' like The Mighty Quinn!" — And as people well-know, or sometimes find out, I doo not always play by Roberto's Rules of Order and the Marquis of Queensbury Rules. Usually, butt not always. — And, like Esteban, the geeTARist, I strums Me a tune now and then. Sometimes as a requiem for those who garner Me specific interest, as it were. — I may not lives Me in a Traylor, per se, and I only say, "Per se," BEcause I likes to say, "Per se", butt I doo owns Me a few. Butt they is like a fifth wheel on an otherWise purrrfect life, so to speak. So, there you go.

Anywayz, it did occur to little ol' Me that I had neglected one minor point. And you can't get much more minor than this, BElieve you Me. And that would BE the very salient factoid that I, pretty much personally, solely, and single-handedly, DEstroyed the disinfotainment.com TMW discussion forum, for the most part. And by that I means about 99.987654321000%, or thereabouts. (and I call that a triple-ought buckshot load of Truth by any other name, to BE sure) So they are now known as the Turd Mikey Whorelicker's bored. And you can't get much more apropos than that. eSpecially when you are loaded with SPAMmage up one side and down the other like they are. Oh, the horror! However, BEing the magnanimous person I BE, I DEcided to give them one last chance. And, so, I sent them this little message, which I am quite sure they read in good health. (*snicker*) That's what you little bitches get for picking your feet in Poughkeepsie.

Or else!

*burp*   [[ fyi: here's some RTW arbitrarily deleted content that you may enjoy ]]

posted Mon, August 21, 2006 at 12:00 a.m. PDT

Epilogue: Those Were The Days My Fiends

And so end the last remunerations of those who so deserve them. (more or less) The Series Finale, if you will, of the final spin-off, so to speak, of the so-called "Feud". It was a dirty job, butt I did so enjoy dooing it. I figure you might as well attempt to enjoy something you 'have' to doo; that you 'must' doo; that should BE doone.

Thanks to all those who contributed along the way. Voluntarily, and otherWise. Who gave, offered, and/or eeked [sicK] out support. Or at the very least stayed the Hell out of the way to let those of us who were ready, willing, and oh-so-able, to doo our dastardly deeds, if you will. If only to let Nature take its course. And fuck the rest of ye. (hard and deep and bloody raw)

And, now, a Future History, of sorts, in the making. I ever-so-briefly gazed fervently into My huge crystal ballz, the ones that convey Diamantine Clarity and überTruths du jour, and this BE what I doo see for the immediate, near, and far future. That BEing the eventual manners of demise of My lost children. (this means you; in no particular order, +/- *wink* *wink*   — as usual, doo not say I did'na warn ya)

"Playa" Eventual, Inevitable Demise   (as it is seen, so shall it BE doone)

Rocky Jones, Spaced Ranger
(a.k.a. Cliff Williams)

In the not-too-distant future, hirsute Quiffy will die an agonizing death (worse than the agony of his so-called life) via an an odd and rare form of self-induced domestic abuse. (with the help of a spouse or 'special friend' and/or other relation(s), no doubt) He will BE missed by too few, and his funeral arrangements will BE quite sparse, since it is well-known that he leads a life not worth insuring. (and he's BEen shit-assed broke, poor and working a nothing job for years, so there you go)

Jo-Jo the Dancing Wombat

In the very near future, Jo-Jo will jerk-danse her way out of this plain [sicK] of existence and straight into a Hellacious firestorm of aeternity. There she will quickly find that The Yellow Brick Road is paved with rotten bananas. (down which she will slide on her abundant fat ass) Few will notice her absence. No one will BE waiting to meet her there, making her prolonged death experience even lonelier than her short, bitter, UNeventful, UNsuccessful so-called life.

Mikey Through-0

BEfore long, Mikey will gag, choke, strangle and suffocate on his own vomit. Causation will BE undetermined due to gross indifference, and therefore no autopsy. There will BE no obituary, no funeral, no memorial, or anything of the kind, again, due to indifference by all. He will BE cremated as cheaply as possible and there will BE no headstone (much to My chagrin, since I planned to dance The Danse of Joy on his grave, as well as piss on it) due to his ashes BEing dumped in an indigents' mass grave in an unspecified "Potter's Field" cemetery. Good RidDance.

Sandy Graves

Sandra continues to eat her way through life until the inevitable day comes when she blows a gasket. BIG time. Never knowing the love of a child, or anyone else, really, her last laugh at the world she so hated and despised, almost as much as herself, was needing a special-made casket to contain her excessive girth, which had to BE paid for, reluctantly, by her relatives, BEcause she was never successful at anything she ever did, and so died penniless, in disgrace, and fat, fat, fat, fat, fat. (and did I mention Fugly? even Jesus wouldn't kiss this Bitch) (and, yes, I doo piss on her grave/stone)

Jessini Fellini Tiffani

Jessini will die a horrible death in a gutter, bleeding from all bodily orifices, both natural and man-made. He will die alone, like today, surrounded by people, but in this case they will BE passers by, except for the occasional person who knows him, stopping, or slowing, to kick him and/or spit on him. No one will attend his paltry funeral, or even send condolences. By design, his child/ren, who will have distanced themselves from him some time earlier, will grow up minimally successful in their poor-start lives, so as to attempt to BE completely unlike their utter failure of a so-called father.

Bo Junko

He simply fades away into the obscurity that is already his so-called life.

Adam, the blue-eyed Ace Ilk

Nobody knows, nobody cares. (or cared — no big loss, that's fer sure; what a worthless Putz; seriously — it must truly BE sad to BE such an obvious Idiot)

Scott Dopey and his Lapp-Dawg Dane

In an apparent perverted sexual murder-suicide, with under- and over-tones of homosexuality, BEastiality [sicK], BDSM, and other extreme fetishistic compunctions, Scotty and his Great Dane will merely make the local paper on page 7, lower left corner, less than 1 column inch with a 12 pt headline. And that will BE their greatest accomplishment in life.


After attempting cyber-drunk-icide one too many times, he succeeds. What-ev-er.

Wun, Margo, and the unlisted others who deserve to BE in this section

Good RidDance. What-ev-er. Lives of intense and everlasting pain, sorrow, destitution, isolation, hurting others, self-deception, self-denial, self-destructive BEhaviors, maiming, dismemberment, agony, and eventual troglodytic death will BE their lot in life. The sooner the better. It's not good for some people to live too long. Hasta la muerte, motherfuckers.

Artie Bello

A worthless, nasty pig to he end, Artie will not survive his 4th very/too young wife. A life clouded with weird happenings, suspicious deaths, missing persons, and the like, Bello will not BE celebrated in death, but a thunderous relief will resound throughout the lands. Heard by anyone who even cared anymore, which will BE very, very few. Once in Hell, Moaner will walk over and BitchSlap the fuck out of him.

Bobbie Stevens

Living up to his true self to the end, which will not come anywheres near soon enough, Bobbie will die a grotesque flaming death in front of a crowd of children, (oh, how ironic!) whilst pretending to BE more than what he is, ever has BEen, or ever will BE, and "performing" non-death-defying stunts with containers of hi-octane gasoline, in his usual extreme incompetence. Oddly, the children will danse and sing as he burns, writhing in agony, screaming until, literally, one of his lungs ejects from his chest. Then his worthless, shrunken, still-BEating heart will pop out of his gaping maw of a chest hole, whereupon the children will play a game of Kick-the-Idiot. A good time shall BE had by all in attendance. Except one, of course. His extremely fallacious obituary, which he has already self-written, will claim achievements that make him look even more pathetic than he always has when (barely) alive. Once in Hell, he will make The Great Deceiver look truthful, as he is probed unmercifully by all of Hell's minions (with barbed-wire dicks, and the like) until, ages from now, he starts to enjoy it. Whereupon they switch to another orifice, and everything old is new again.

Jefty Rinse

If it is even possible, Jefty will fade into an obscurity that is even more profound than the one he enjoys today. His well-deserved, not-soon-enough death will BE prolonged, agonizing, and quite horrorific [sicK], but will BE unreported for months. Talk aboot smelly!

Davey Jones Oaths

While reversing audio in his home-office one day, a *POP* was heard and he was never seen or heard from again. So-called "Reverse Speech" never receives "recognition" as anything more than a somewhat interesting parlor trick.

Ricky Roland Gilead

In a typical act of self-sacrifice, during the Perfect Storm of '42, Ricky pitched in to make sure the mail got through. Unfortunately, he took the motto, "Neither rain, nor sleet, nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds", a little too far, and was last seen flying over the Bermuda Triangle with a bemused look on his face.


Short, butt "(bitter-) sweet":   Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation.   Alone. Relatively (UN) happy. One hand on her computer keyboard. The phone in her other, off the hook, but no one on the other end of the line, the "friend" apparently having walked away once they realized what was going down. She was loved by her family and especially her two sons. If only that had BEen enough.


Jenny will not die alone, nor unloved. Having lived a long, fruitful, successful and happy life, she will pass away quietly in her home surrounded by her family, friends and other loved ones. (alas, never having known the Popeye-Love she ever so desired)

Leah McDonalds

Living to a ripe old age, surrounded by a seemingly happy family to the end, Leah trotted off one day to BS her way into Heaven, where she will write charming, anecdotal stories for God and Her minions.

Lindsy SlowHand

The Foxy Wiccan, as those of us who know her, knew her, quietly faded into the night, late one evening, to aeternally occasionally BE seen roaming the halls of internet discussion forums in a whispy, white, very low cut, see-through gown. Good times, good times.

Tony Castillo

After having lived a long, successful life (both personally and professionally), Tony will pass quietly in the night in his sleep. His obituary will sing his many accomplishments and many people will attend his funeral and wake. He will BE remembered and missed by many, including family, friends, business acquaintances & associates, and others.

Popeye Theophilus Barrnumb

After living a happy, joyful, extended life, with success, achievements, accolades, and awards that could barely span many lifetimes of a mere mortal BEing, full of health and vigor to the end, Popeye will, by design, choose the time and place of his own passing. Seemingly napping with a peaceful smile on his face (with perhaps the slightest soupçon of a cheshire-like shite-eating grin), he will embrace paranormal non-violent Spiritual Ascension, and choose to shed this Earth-bound mortal coil to ascend to the heavens in an act of steadfast resolve. There he will Danse with the Angels, making them laugh throughout the Ages.   Q.E.D.


posted Thu, August 10, 2006 at 12:30 p.m. PDT

The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

No comment.

Mikey harts Nomi (or else!) Comic -- Fin!
posted Thu, August 10, 2006 at 4:30 p.m. PDT

I told you so

Well now friends just lend an ear
For you're now about to hear
The ballad of Popeye True....

Mikey harts Nomi (or else!) Comic -- Everything Old Is New Again

It's a hangin' day in The City of Lost Children
The City of Lost Children, two plus two thousand four
I'm gonna drop all of you
Through the gallows floor....

posted Wed, August 9, 2006 at 1:00 a.m. PDT

Love Me Tenders, Love Me Truth

(pre-)Addenda: (3:00 p.m.) Apparently things were not as quiet as I thought. Oh, well. C'est la vie de guerre, n'est paz? The imagery of which I speak (threecumhh8.jpg) was a little too much on the nasty side, so I doo not think I will include it in My little collection. Or provide a link to it. Especially since they made lovely Jen fat and nasty and icky. Although the spider tattoo on Mikey was a nice touch. (butt I have personally archived it for posterity, none-the-less) People can find it on the Turd Mikey Whorelicker's bored, since Nomi's good pally Mikey chooses to not delete them for her, the good fiend that he BE. Oh, the Whorer. Or thereabouts. [[ *insert your favorite sound of derision here* ]]

Wellugh, it seems to BE all quite quiet on the Western front. Mayhaps I revealed and pealed too much rawhideous Truth with My pussy whip cat o' nine tales. Bells tolled left and right, back and forth, and up and down, as well, and Pirated images flew to and fro, here and there, and a little bit everywhere and nowhere at the same time, Oh, My. CaribBEan poker is My game. What to doo, what to doo? I am a Gunsel, ya see. Fer higher, at the right price, when, as one might say, The Price Is Right. Cum on down! My barker is often worse than My biter, yes siree Bob. To BE, or not too BE, that could BE the question. A clue, a clue, My kingdom for a hoarse horse. Jest aks Mr. Ed. And he will whisper willowy sweet nuthin's in yer waxy ear, such as, yet a nother one of My well-known nicks is QBErT! Finds Me and Catch Me Mr. Cunt, if u cn, rd ths.   ;o)

posted Sun, August 6, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. PDT

I said, "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Like The Mighty Quinn!"

The pillars of My existence.... (*snicker*)

Mikey harts Nomi (or else!) Comic -- Reality Bites.... For Some!

Horsemen come to camp by torchlight last night....

posted Wed, August 2, 2006 at 4:00 a.m. PDT

Horse Sensing Around

I may, or may not, BE funny, butt I doo know funny when I sees it, and the latest entry by "Harbinger" is definitely good for a laugh, or two. I mean, come on, what's not funny about a talking horse telling Rooky to say stoopid things to the likes of Mikey that would obviously cause him to go psycho-ballistic on Rooky's ass (probably figuratively, in the sexual sense, anywayz). (*snark*) Poor Rooky. Not that I want to (necessarily) encourage this type of BEhaviour, butt, in the greater scheme of things, this one is fairly BEnine out of ten. Since I refuse to proffer links to the disinfotainment.com Turd Mikey Whorelicker's bored anymore, here is a link to the "offending" cartoon image, safe kept here for historical accuracy. (meanwhile, on RTW, yet more posts have BEen deleted in the name of g0d-knows-what fer no-good-reason (no doubt)) And so it goes....

from http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/79/mockarage3fu2.jpg

p.s. you forgot "old" — VERY old
Oh, what a BEautiful morrrrrning,   Oh, what a BEautiful daaaayyyyyy....
pee-pee-ess: I neglected to point out that, in My graphic depiction of Nomi in My cartoon comic, there is one part of her that is not a piece of fruit, and that would BE the flower used to represent her hoo-hoo, to use the technical term of reference — "Have you noticed how much they look like orchids? Lovely!"

posted Sun, July 30, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. PDT

You Ain't Seen Nothin' Like The Mighty Quinn

Sometimes I really crack Me up....

Mikey harts Nomi (or else!) Comic -- And Then, Reality Set In

Zippity doo dah, zippity aaayyyyy....?

posted Sun, July 30, 2006 at 2:45 a.m. PDT

Truth In Advertising

FYI:   Here are the original links to the mocker images that were posted on ImageShack's image hosting service. (http://www.imageshack.us/)
p.s. I have to admit that Harbinger's reference to Rooky as "Image Shack Jones" made Me LOL — I doon't know, it just struck Me as particularly funny for some unknown reason — I guess I'm just easy ;o)

posted Sat, July 29, 2006 at 11:45 p.m. PDT

When the "C" Word BEcomes Your Friend

I had a few spare moments....

Mikey harts Nomi (or else!) Comic -- Dance, Miss Cunt, Dance

Oh, where, oh, where, can My little dawg BE....?

posted Sat, July 29, 2006 at 8:00 p.m. PDT

Oh, The Humanity!

Here's an interesting observation and factoid tidbit for you:   Putz-Punk Mikey is a KNOWN Admin/Moderator for the disinfotainment.com TMW forum, and, yet, he allows the Mocker image posts of Nomi to stay posted and is not deleting them for her. Gee, I wonder why that is. With a friend like that, who needs enemies? Not Nomi, since she has a two-fer-one. A so-called friend who is actually her enemy. I BElieve that is actually, by definition, an enemy-enemy. And so it goes.... (*smootchiez* — *blech!*)

posted Sat, July 29, 2006 at 3:00 p.m. PDT

And Then There Were None

It seems that Nomi, et al., have moved their posting from the "publick" RTW bored to their "Super Sekret Bored". (if you want the address, email Me) Yes, the wheels on the little yellow bus go 'round and 'round. And where it stops, nobody knows.

Meanwhile, here is yet another deleted entry from the RTW bored. Two, in fact. (2 (+) posts, 1 thread) Mine, that was a reply to the last posted "Mocker Image", and then an "anonymous" reply to/for Me. Enjoy: (commentary after the ride, of course; — oddly enough, btw, My post wasn't deleted after the image post was deleted, but when the whole thread was deleted after the second post-reply to Me (this is what I meant by "arbitrary" BElow) —— also please note that I used My KNOWN nick "goober" — I often use more than one nick, butt publickly acknowledge that I doo so (so, technically, as someone pointed out, they are NOT "sock puppets" (which are, by definition, attempted anonymous nicks)))

Subject: Re: I have returned after never having left
i take credit for this
why not?
i'll get it anyway
and then go fuck yourself very much
poptard judge and jury
just desserts, ''friend''............
you never really understood that an enemy that is always an enemy of your eternal enemy will always be your friend, always, always, always, but it never works if that ''friend'' was always really just an enemy-du-jour...............
you was swimmin'
you was swimmin'
you was wastin' daze......................
i always thought you'd go far, though........................
far up, far far up. you ended up being strung up, hung and twisted by your own poptard-petard.......................
that ''fukdoll'' jenoFUR and the vegetable-breasted "Nomi" on your negative 4-bit website says all that needs to be said....................

Some think "poptard judge and jury" was Nomi posting, but I doubt it. It was probably psycho-JoJo. Definitely not Rooky, since there is too much (attempted) style, and big words, and minimal coherency. Typical, however, is the reference to 'vegetable-breasted "Nomi" '. Can't sheeple doo anything write? [sicK] They are melons! (fruit — with tasty chubby cherry nipples, in case you can't make that out) As is the rest of her body in My cartoon comic. Although veggies are probably as apropos a reference as fruit in her case. (Oh, and I didn't think I had to point this out, butt, what-ev-er — I, personally, doo not think of JenoFur as a "fuck doll" (as much as I might like to doo so) —— and, Oh, part deux: that "you are no longer welcome here" really hurt My feelings — no, seriously ;o) )

posted Fri, July 28, 2006 at 9:00 p.m. PDT

Historical Accuracy is a Bitch

Oh, where to start? There's SO much that needs to BE brought back to light that has BEen arbitrarily and purposefully deleted in an attempt to rewrite history and deny and skew fact and truth and reality, that needs pointed out, commented on, and such, that I barely know where to BEgin.

First of all, a correction to the lies of Theroux. He posted something along the lines that I posted that he was a "registered sex offender", which is a complete and absolute and utter lie by him. I did no such thing. He tried really, really hard (seriously) to make a case that I did so, skewing truth and facts and words and reality, mixing apples and oranges and bananas, oh my, in a fictitious and fallacious fruit salad the likes of which I have never seen. In that respect, Nomi, nor any of the other so-called "net kooks", have anything on him. At least he is the master of one thing other than bator.

So the whiney little bitch contacted what seemed to Me to BE a low-rate "attorney" and got him to agree to send some "official sounding" mail to My ISP and he got what he thought was a little win that made his tiny, flaccid prick go almost firm. (apparently, I have no first-hand knowledge of that nasty factoid) He is obviously still smarting from BEing dismed to the Werelitzer company for the Idiotz illegal use of their trademark, which turned their discussion forum from "The Mighty Werelitzer" into the Turd Mikey Whorelickers bored real quick. (*snark*) Of course, that is who and what he is and what he has attempted to doo to Me over and over again, as Loki, and SpDrMN, and "Mocker", and other nicknames, on most of My forums and websites, in an attempt to shut Me up and stop Me from telling the Truth. Typical. That is who and what he is, as I have pointed out, and proven, time and again. (apparently Mikey doo not care for the Truth, especially when it paints him in the bad light he deserves)

Anyway, rather than acquiesce to his scumbag assininity "requests" that I remove the "offending content", I chose to go elsewhere. So, yeah, he "won in his little mind". (*snark*) Butt, as usual, I am the one who really won. Because he lessened himself, as usual, and I did the exact opposite, as usual. And his tiny prick is still flaccid and his bollox are (probably) steroid shunken impotent balls o' shit. (I'm just guessin') BEcause that is who and what he is and has always BEen and always will BE. Q.E.D. (i.e., I stuck by My principles — of course, so did Mikey, which says a whole lot about him, doo it not?)

And let us all please note that he has never claimed that he is not a "registered sex offender". Which I find quite interesting in and of itself. As I mentioned BEfore, it's always possible, as merely one example and scenario, that he and some of his college, or high school, chums got caught streaking nekkid (most likely drunk, of course) and were charged and found "guilty", which, in California, I doo not know about other states, can cause the guilty party to have to register as a sex offender whenever they move to a new city. MayBE it is country-wide. I think that is kind of stupid, and taking the whole "registered sex offender" thing WAY too far, when it should BE used for REAL "sex offenders", like rapists, and pedophiles, and child molestors, and the like. (and, for the record, I doubt very much if MT is any one of those, or anything of the sort — he likes to keep his "attacks" just this side of legality, even if they are morally and ethically wrong by any decent definition)

In typical Mikey fashion(less), he likes to call others cowards for posting and such using nicknames, when he, himself, has MANY nicknames, from "Dr. HD Slow" and all of its many derivatives to so many others. Under all of which he has performed some pretty heinous acts. Not to mention the company he keeps. And I doo not mean "sLight acquaintances". (I have shown and proven his associations as absolute incontrovertible truth, fact and reality, MUCH to his dismay) (*snark*) He likes to play "the big man" and "Mr. Innocent", and the like, butt I know the real truth, and have shown it to others. He claimed he wasn't "HD Slow" for a long time, until I proved that he was. (somebody must have pointed out how stupid he looked denying it, so he finally gave up) What an Idiot. Butt, enough of that pissant coward worthless piece of shit trash scumbag asshole. (gee.... I doo hope this wasn't "too many words" for him — *laffz*)

And here was Nomi's take on the whole thing: (which, of course, she deleted)

Post under your real name or tell us what your real name is, otherwise your accusations against him are all hot air.
Maybe you are just jealous of him.
When I delete, I get in trouble for deleting.
When I don't delete, I get in trouble for not deleting.
There's at least five mods on this bored!

What a stoopid bitch. Talk about fallacious assininity. EVERYONE (who is not an Idiot) knows that I speak the Truth. That is who and what I am and choose to BE. And what I have proven to BE time and time again, over and over again, over a long period of time. As opposed to most other people "around here", apparently. Attempted dismissal like that is just highly self-embarrassing. (she's BEen acting and acting out increasingly worse along with the increasing and continual association with Mikey, so that's at least part of the problem, butt she obviously has many, many more)

And then she has the (I doo not know what) to suggest that I am "jealous" of Mikey. Now THAT is funny! That would BE like Ghandi BEing jealous of Hitler. (so to speak, if you will, more or less, +/-) She also had the ridiculous gall to state (elsewhere, also deleted) that Mikey said (Ha!) that he would "forgive Me" if I simply apologized to him. Jeez! I didn't think she could make a statement that was funnier than the previous. The day I "apologize" to Mikey is the day I punch him in the head. THAT will BE My "apology". (to the world, for him; and I might as well doo it twice, doon't ya think?)

Note that she then tries to not take responsibility or accountability for what she allows to occur on her forum, even attempting to blame it on other forum moderators. That's just sad. (and somewhat typical)

And there is also this little ditty. My replies to the latest "Mocker" post of an image. (which were deleted) Apparently, some people cannot even understand and comprehend simple English. Somehow Nomi took my post(s) as some sort of a claim of ownership of the Mocker post and image. (who knows how her mind works) And/or Mikey told her that it was so, and she immediately bowed down to his commands. (what-ev-er) Whereas, anyone with even a lick of sense should BE able to minimally understand My irritation that "it is all still going on, as usual". Not to mention the MANY times I (among others) have warned Nomi, et al., to NOT post images of themselves on the net, to no avail. Again, what-ev-er. Anyway, here are my deleted words: (with their worthless crap-ramblings snipped)

yeah, I (we) never saw that coming (did "we")
you might want to use a spell checker
and it's spelled "JenoFur" (imo)
plus her breasts are MUCH nicer than that
you people are all so increasingly fvcking worthless
after all these years
doo not look up the definition of "Loser" in the dictionary,
or you will probably see your own picture there
and that would just BE too sad
are you REALLY that fvcked in the head???
has theroux really fvcked you up worse than you always have been?
(many of us have warned you that that would occur, more than once)
if you think I have ever made and published "mocker-like" images
(of you or anyone else) and have been "harrassing" you for years,
then you must seriously just be simply stupid and not too brite
and that goes WAY beyond any supposed illness(es) you have
and, if you think my commenting that "jen's breasts look much nicer
than those" constitutes talking about her in a "derogatory and degrading way",
then re-read the above several times over (and try engaging your
muddled and addled brain and actually read what I posted in context
and make some minimal attempt to understand it and comprehend it
in some minimally normal manner -- and don't bother trying to
apologize to me, yet again -- you've gone way beyond using up any
common decency you deserve from me (and most others))
at this late date, you deserve everything that is going to happen to you
in the coming years (and probably more)
again, and again, and again
fool you once, shame on them, fool you twice (x 100), shame on you
(and anyone who gives anyone their real name around here is a
complete and utter cankerous fool and spit-Idiot (like Theroux) --
at least Tiffany, et al., weren't THAT stupid -- even Rooky wasn't
THAT stupid -- of course, it is well-known that theroux does his
"dirty work" behind the scenes under MANY nicks, but I suppose
that is perfectly fine and "okay" in your eyes)
what a Joke

I doo not know. MayBE people are not as brite as I try to give them credit for. I kept warning people that the Idiots were still around and some were still active. MayBE they doo not know that "starring" is spelled with two "R's". (not 'staring') And that Jen's name really should BE spelled "JenoFur". Or that her breasts really are MUCH nicer than those depicted in the Mock image. (I personally know this for a fact, and that's all I'm going to say about that — see BElow for more on that image, btw) The rest is pretty much self-explanatory. (for non-Idiots) And I doo get quite the *laffz* about people freaking out about the way I spell her name, and the like. Get a freaking life and grow the fuck up already. Jeezus!

For the record, here are a few bullshit rambling posts of the Idiotz that Nomi/they deleted. (the stoopid BEyotch made Theroux an Admin/Moderator on the forum — *laffz* — BEfore long she'll BE inviting him in to the bathroom to watch her take a piss, no doubt) They doo speak for themselves. I particularly enjoy Mikey's claim of how he SO magnanimously and courageously opted to reveal his name (even tho, as I pointed out, he posted anonymously for years, and still does, under a variety of nicks), and his claim of jealousy. And his use of and reference to "karma" — Jeezus! What a 'Tard. If I had Theroux's karma I'd shoot Myself in the head. (19 times, and let Me tell you, that second reload is a motherfucker) — (note yet another nick of his: "Doc Lobo"; and what's with this usage of all of his VERY old images of himself when he was young as avatars — that is HIGHLY self-embarrassing; altho I know he is an old (little) man, super-vain putz, so that is obviously why he's dooing it) As well as Nomi's psycho-blather, which more than speaks for itself and her. Plus, talk about someone shitting all over her own bored on a daily basis. She apparently will not rest until it is as putrid as TMW. And notice how she brings out the "big three": obssessive, stalking, and harrassment. (*laffz*)

Doc Lobo
spew on cartoon boy....
You're only digging your own grave.
You are an anonymous coward and you always will be, nothing more, nothing less. I prefer not to be a coward so I chose to reveal my name.
You're just jealous of all the real stuff I've done over the years. What have you done anonymous chickenshit? Oh, I see you pick on women and try to pin it on someone else. Nice. Enjoy your karma.
What do you call shitting all over Reap and repeatedly for years attacking a friend of mine?
If I deserve everything I get then what kind of karma are you building for yourself?
Keep hiding in anonymity and unleashing your hate on Reap...
It would be different if you were trying to get along with everyone here, but all you do is attack and insult.
Is that what makes you happy? Fulfilling? Is reap just an outlet for you to vent your vitriole and even upon friends and expect they will never say anything?
I feel sad, Popeye, and sorry that you can't even see that you owe Michael, and all the Reapers a huge apology for obssessive stalking and harrassment.

And I ignored (as usual) a post by SON-OF-WOLFE who made the comment, "Go back to disinfo where this low misogynistic humor belongs." Apparently, as usual, he is clueless, as most of "them" are, since he doo not understand that I doo not post on the "disinfo" (TMW) forum, and doo not have a relationship with it, or associate with it, or its inhabitants.
Whereas, and here's the kicker, Mikey doo have a VERY close relationship AND association with it AND its inhabitants, still, and always has. (and always will)
In fact, Mikey is most likely the owner/operator of disinfotainment.com and the TMW forum. Duhh! Which is what I've BEen pointing out for some time, waiting for people to get a clue without Me having to buy it for them with My precious dollars. If I could, I would make this whole paragraph flash in neon, then mayBE people would start to "get it". (altho I wouldn't hold My breath on Nomi if I was you — it is way past clear that she is a lost cause)

Speaking of "rewriting history", here are the latest Mocker images that have BEen so erroneously attributed to little ol' Me. Since things have a way of BEing deleted, it's only right that I preserve the historical truth here. I will also include a somewhat humorous mock of Rooky that "harbinger" did, even tho it is not anywherez near as funny as some of the "mocks" I have doone of him. And following those, I will include an old Mocker image of Nomi, and a version that I turned back on them (using "Tammy"/Sandra and her picture that I found on the net). Oh what fun it all is to BE sure.

"MockR" image #1
(this is the first one that showed up)

"MockR" image #2
(this is the second image that "magically appeared")

Rooky Mock
(This one is kind of funny; keep up the good work)

The Pocket Naomi
(This was one of the very first images done about Nomi, from way back, but is very tame compared to some of the VERY nasty others they did about her and members of her family)

The Pocket "Tammy"
(again, talk about BEing an "ingrate" — I doo not think Nomi ever even thanked Me for dooing this for her — typical)

So, there you go. Stay tuned for more installments of the "Mikey (harts) Nomi (forever.... or else!)" comic cartoon. (when I get a chance and feel like it)

posted Thu, July 27, 2006 at 11:00 p.m. PDT

Part Deux

You asked, and I obey....

Mikey harts Nomi (or else!) Comic -- Am I really THAT fucked in the head???


posted Wed, July 26, 2006 at 3:00 p.m. PDT

The Erasure Factor


It seems that there's BEen a whole lotta deletin' goin' on over on the RTW bored. (here, for those who can stomach it: http://rtwhirlwind.proboards46.com/) Which, of course, must BE corrected, for the sake of not rewriting history the way some would like to see it. (and deleting, btw, of valid content, with the absence of, or too late, deletion of "questionable" content, like the name-calling of people as child molestors and pedophiles and the like — again, this is typical of that forum and its she-moderator/owner/operator)

For merely one example. When I made a simple little post notifying people that this here fun factory was available for viewing, My post was deleted and replaced by the following post by Nomi, which she then deleted herself a short time later. What kind of psychosis is involved in that BEhavior, well, your guess is as good as Mine. (butt it is highly typical for those who are new to this arena) Anyway, for posterity's sake, here it BE:

Author: Shewolfe
Subject: Satire...
Looking at something made about you, well, I find myself in hysterical laughter, it is funny, (Popeye) but really...is it all about you expressing your right to free speech, or is it more that you are obsessed, firstly, with Michael, we all know how you feel there, then my niece, now I am included in your mocker type renditions.
I don't believe you were The Mocker, but I do believe you have become one yourself, maybe you are trying to either upset us, or make us laugh, maybe a bit of both...well, I did feel twinges of discomfort, as well as trying really hard not to laugh like crazy. I admit, it is funny, but it would be better if you didn't use our faces for your art compilations. I do appreciate good satire, but not at Reapers expense.
What am I gonna do about you? :P

And this would have BEen My reply, with perhaps a few extra words of secondary 20/20 hindsight comment thrown in: (which would have BEen deleted, no doubt, so I didn't bother even posting)

People sure doo like to throw around the "obsession" word. At this point, it's BEcome SUCH a cliche in our little community, that it has no worth or real meaning at all. It's just a nice, convenient little slap for people to use whenever they want to (attempt to) dismiss somebody's actions or words with which they disagree. Or doo not understand. Or choose to not understand. Anyways, at this late date, any discussion that uses the word or concept of "obsession" can pretty much BE disregarded and dismissed as worthless itself. Which it usally is. (especially in reference to those who are not even close to BEing in that unfortunate category, as opposed to those who very obviously doo fall into that category, and most of us know about whom I am speaking)

As for anything I doo in My little spoofs, parodies and satires BEing referred to as "mocker type renditions" — Oh! SNAP!! I suggest that My little ditties are FAR removed from the likes of their quite extreme and severe and grotesque assininities. And I think anyone with even a modicum of intelligence and common sense and the like would have to agree. Again, that is just an in vain attempt at dismissal and/or negative commentary at My expense. What-ev-er.

Now I would like to point out something that I made mention of above. And that would BE Nomi's reference to "The Mocker", as if that was a single person who singularly, obsessively (*snark*) set out to destroy her little world. She still evidently has that mindset and predilection. Even though it has BEen shown and discovered and proved absolutely without a doubt that there were, literally, dozens of "mockers". (well, at least a couple dozen, +/-) Sure, with some "major players", but not one single individual. I'm making some modifications to the addenda BElow to make a point about that, btw. But My main point is in pointing out that still, at this very late date, she still cannot move past and accept the obvious truths and realities that are slapping her in the face on a daily basis a la her current relationships with Mikey, et al.

On a sadder note, cluelessness and denial and the like of this magnitude is.... I doo not know if I can adequately put words to it. At what point dooes one decide that someone is SO "out of it" (to put it minimally nicely) that they are truly BEyond redemption and mending so that you might as well just BE on your way, BEcause they will never allow themselves to BE whole again, no matter how loudly they scream and beg and demand that they BE allowed to doo it or are (supposedly) attempting to achieve it? (it is well-known that some people just aren't "fixable", for a variety of reasons, if only in a "you can drag a smelly horse to water, butt you cannot force it to take a bath" sort of way — i.e., you cannot protect people from themselves)

And then you also must measure the need to stop those who are hurting others, and what can and will and must BE doone about that, as well. Which is partly why I doo what I doo. And why I have doone what I have doone. Most of the (more intelligent, for lack of a better word) aardvarks (and I apologize to actual aardvarks everywhere for the referential comparison, humororous or otherwise) have run away from the scene, for reasons of self-survival, among other related self-interests. Butt there are still a couple who just doo not know when to cut their losses and quit throwing bad money after good (BEing the extremely poor "bidnessmen" that they are and have proven themselves to BE). (and who cannot seem to stop hurting others in the rather widespread and extreme ways they so "enjoy") So it is therefore up to little ol' Me to decide when and where to stop and BE about My other businesses. (if only BEcause they are so downtrodden that it starts BEcoming kind of sad to keep slapping them around — and Mikey is close, if not there — perhaps just one more fork in him and he'll BE doone?) And so it goes....

What to doo, what to doo? Wellugh, this page is one answer to that question. And perhaps even the best answer possible. (stay tuned for further updates, fun and games, *laffz*, and the like.... — I doo BElieve that there is other deleted content that must BE brought back to light)

posted Tue, July 25, 2006 at 8:25 p.m. PDT (Note:   Addenda, &tc. follows BElow)

And So It BEgins....

Introducing "Mikey (harts) Nomi",     (forever.... or else!)
          a Comedy of Stoopidity, a Tragedy of Tragedies.

In this first installment, Nomi's heavy-breasted and sweet-assed niece, cutey JenoFur, attempts, yet again, in vain, as usual, to instill some sort of normalcy and reality in Nomi's psycho-delic so-called life. Using her well-known witchy-woman powers of persuasion and enticement, JenoFur seeks to use Truth and Facts to snap Nomi out of her Mocker-induced haze-trance, almost succeeding.
But the putz-boy Mikey, dim little man that he is, so how he accomplishes anything in life is a conundrum, confuses Nomi's already muddled and addled brain with Mockerish jibber-jabber that she has come to know and depend on over the years. (yeah, there's something "to BE proud of" — duping the likes of Nomi — that Mikey — ain't he a freakin' brain trust to BE reckoned with (*laffz*))
Always thankful that she didn't actually have to travel to Sweden to indulge in her Stockholm Sindrome fixation, Nomi, who always knew and suspected that "Mocker" was "in her backyard" (and whom she has now invited into her house and home), has fallen pray [sicK] to the unfortunateness that she knows so well and so loves and thrives on.
Oh, what will BEcum of our Perils of Pauline-like heroin? [sicK]

Mikey harts Nomi (or else!) Comic -- Fool Me Once....

Stay 'tooned for our next installment, "Am I really that fucked in the head???".... (a rhetorical interrogative title, to BE sure)

Addenda, &tc.

References and other apropos information:
(Note: BEcoz people seem to BE so dim, and such, I have decided to add addtional commentary to the items BElow, lest someone's rather extreme stupidity and ignorance get the best of them, and misunderstandings, and the like, ensue)

The Truth Hurts
(an animated movie that burns "somebody's" soul; this was, imo, 100% proof that Michael Theroux was very obviously one of the "Mockers")

(that was the 'published' image by one of the (many) "Mockers" taunting "Nomi"; here is the negative corrected version — apparently this person, who many (most?) BElieve to BE Michael Theroux (it's pretty obvious), was attempting to hide their identity using a simple graphics software program technique of performing the "photo negative" — I suppose it's possible that that person was non-brite enough to think that no one would figure it out, and/or mayBE he didn't realize that performing the same function reversed the image back to its positive (none of these so-called "Mockers" were really particularly brite, even though they liked to think of themselves, and often described themselves, as "smart", "intelligent", etc. — I pretty muched disproved that, however (and it wasn't none too difficult to doo, neither))

Additional Note: here are two more images (#1 and #2), obviously of the same person, since they are wearing the same shirt, and taken in the same location, wearing two more different masks, except these two images were additionally modified to attempt to hide the identity of the person using blurring and blacking out — again, what a freaking brain trust this individual is, posting these images that are so obviously all of himself — however, and this is of particular importance, anyone who would have this many masks and go to the trouble of making and posting this many images has to BE, without a doubt, (using simple common sense) a "major player" in the Mockers group of scum — Q.E.D., as they say — or, as I likes to say, "Gotcha!! BEyotch!" ;o) )

More simple Truth
(Oh! SNAP! — I made this parody image)

I din't punch that dawgie!
(Oh, man! That's gotta hurt! (in more ways than one, I'm sure) — I also made this parody image)

Talk about slow!
(*snicker* — another one of My parody images — by-the-by, the naming here is a reference to one of Michael Theroux's many known nicknames (internet and otherwise), that BEing "Dr. HD Slow", and various other forms of that wordage (the "HD" stands for "Hoagie's Drawers", "Hoagie" BEing Richard Hoagland, one of their (the "Mockers", among others) many "targets"))

Back when I was Nomi's Stocker
(I Mocked and Stocked the Shite out of her with that one; what a Tofu-eatin' hussy! — this was My parody of Nomi's claims back when, off and on and off and on again, that I was "her stalker" — apparently she still falls back into that train of thought fairly easily even at this late date — sheesh! what an ingrate! (I'm (partially) joking about that))
